our mission

Lakeport Wesleyan Church's mission is to make mature disciples of Jesus Christ--disciples who make disciples. (Matthew 28:19)  

We accomplish this by making sure that Jesus Christ has first priority, and that our lives are balanced across three major circles in life:

Me, We, and Others.... 

Our 3 circle strategy

With Christ at the center of all things, we focus on these areas of  life:
 Me - A disciple of Jesus will practice personal spiritual disciplines that bring them closer to Him through Bible study, prayer and time alone with Him.

We - A disciple of Jesus will worship, support, serve, encourage, and help each other to grow in Christ.  We do that in our Sunday morning worship experiences, and in our on campus and off campus life groups.


Others - A disciple of Jesus serves others so that our community and the world know that they are loved through our actions.  See how we are engaged in mission here.